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Contributing Publisher ,. Murman and other advocates of such age-verification laws say the laws are needed to protect children from mental health risks of exposure to pornography. Nebraska would be the latest state where Aylo blocks users based on such laws. He said pornography companies lie about privacy and safety concerns. Most Viewed Lincoln teen who drowned while swimming in Holmes Lake is identified. New law required age check The new law, passed in April, creates liability for knowingly or intentionally publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet. He was an investigative reporter at KMTV. Blood said Nebraska needs a data broker registry that would let consumers know who has access to their data, why and what they do with the information the companies gather. Pornhub will ban Nebraska users after passage of age verification law 20 hours ago. Carol Blood of Bellevue. The new law, passed in April, creates liability for knowingly or intentionally publishing or distributing material harmful to minors on the internet. Nebraska would be the latest state where Aylo blocks users based on such laws.

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