No pornhub in virginia

No pornhub in virginia

News reporter based in London, U. The legislation passed the General Assembly on a nearly unanimous vote this March. Martin Lewis's former colleague Anthony Hill 'will never be far from our heart' says heartbroken parent at Digital Marketing. Ahead of new age verification law, Pornhub blocks access in Virginia. Get News In Your Inbox. Glenn Youngkin, left, said in a statement. However, Pornhub, in a message posted to its site Thursday, is arguing the law is not the most effective solution for protecting people visiting its site, and puts children and user privacy at risk. Justin Timberlake breaks silence following DWI arrest. Uploading personal information through non-state verification methods also runs the risk of the information being exposed in a cybersecurity data breach, said Waller. As a result, some US states have passed new legislation in recent months that means it is more difficult for children to be able to watch porn. Podcast: How We Got Here.

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