Not so shoujo love story

Not so shoujo love story

In the bonus segment of episode , they wake up, confused and with drawn on glasses and mustaches. Then said girl makes the mistake of questioning Hanna and Rei's motives for hanging out with Susan…which leads to the latter beating her up for trash-talking her friends. Spread the Queerblr Love! Because You Were Nice to Me : Rei developed a crush on Hansum after he shielded her from the rain and complimented her hair. Only two panels later, the toast breaks in half and falls out of her mouth. Fan translation info This is a list of fan translated languages. This webtoon is hilarious! Face of a Thug : Susan is a sweetheart and actually quite girly, but because of her height and build most people are afraid of her and mistake her for a bully. He genuinely doesn't mean to hurt her, he's just so caught up in his own world and so devoid of actual social skills that he ends up leaving her emotionally devastated. In that same flashback his eyes suddenly point into different directions. Stardust Silly Studios. They go so far as to start rumors that Rei is a Psycho Lesbian.

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