Ohio pornhub

Ohio pornhub

His focus is covering U. Grand Strand. The first state to require age verification to access pornographic websites was Louisiana, with the legislation taking effect in January Pornhub has blocked access entirely in some other states with similar laws, including Arkansas, Mississippi, Virginia, and Utah, according to media reports. Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. Jeremy Pelzer covers state politics and policy for Cleveland. Users attempting to access Pornhub from Utah were met with a message reading: "While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk. Even if HB becomes law, it could be challenged in court, as similar laws have been in other states. While the specifics vary between states, in general the new laws mean users are required to provide a pornographic website with a copy of their ID to obtain access, something opponents say claim some would be unwilling or unable to do. Demetriou said he based his bill on similar legislation already passed in other states, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, Mississippi, Utah, Virginia and Texas. In , the Free Speech Coalition filed a lawsuit in Utah after the state introduced age verification requirements for adult websites, resulting in a statewide block from Pornhub. Copy Link.

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