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Mike Bohacek, R-Michia…. When users in the banned states attempt to access Pornhub they will be see ' - This state is not whitelisted. Already a Subscriber? There were new Indiana laws approved this year by the Republican-controlled General Assembly and enacted by Republican Gov. Mike Bohacek, R-Michiana Shores, …. Discover the beauty of the fjords, see spectacular glaciers, try wild yoga, indulge in 'Neo Fjordic' cuisine and only unpack once! The laws that led to Pornhub's decision require visitors of certain websites, which extends to social media platforms, to show proof of age by uploading a government issued ID. Has she finally come to her senses? Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Indiana is among a dozen Republican-led states that nevertheless have enacted a strict age-verification mandate on adult-oriented websites. Download our iPhone app Download our Android app. Free Speech Coalition v.

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