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For a visual representation of why mash-ups are so popular amongst T-Shirt designers — see the owlturd cartoon below: be sure to visit Owlturd. Some very interesting info and examples of cases of copyright infringement and parody that went to court. Ah, the humble mash-up. Join the news democracy Where your votes decide the Top Register Log in. Now that we are all being forced to stay at home, we have been reduced to only a few activities that don't involve binge-watching Tiger King on Netflix. Fright Rags Owner On Copyright — The owner of the horror-shirts brand Fright Rags writes here about his various legal run-ins with copyright owners, including Universal Studios. Introducing Scrubhub , which is a partnership between Pornhub and Amazon Dating to spread awareness on the importance of handwashing during the pandemic. What About Celebrities or Political Figures? Get it free, here:. In a press release, Ani Acopian and Suzy Shinn, the creators of the site as well as Amazon Dating, said: Over the past few weeks, the one thing that has been repeated by literally everyone — politicians, scientists, celebrities and athletes — has been the importance of washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water to protect against this virus. Greg Evans Apr 16, For a good overview of these concepts and a taste of what it feels like to be sued over your work, check out this video from h3h

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