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Special friends like The Doors manager flew in to join us, bands sent telegrams, champagne and gifts. So I just had to think big. Love seeing the rock paraphernalia in the movie. As I write this, I just got off the phone with my husband telling him the same thing, and my tearful apologies were met with unconditional love and understanding. Now I just post here on Penny Arcade which honestly has a couple million more viewers than my Twitter account ever had. Alvin and the Chipmunks was my first album and right then I knew everything was gonna be ok. But, I feel the pressure from knowing that not only is this is his go to and favorite fantasy and his porn watching of choice, but he has also done this 7 times in the past. He struggles to understand and accept that I do not find sex with women arousing. But it had cool stuff in it and I thought I should also post about it here, because it has some Cyberpunkian product - or, as the French say, les produits du ponque-cybre. He loves me and tries to understand my perspective and we compromise and each are working to meet the others desires. I think a guy wanting a threesome is ridiculously insulting to his wife particularly wanting his wife to be a part of it — It has nothing to do with growing up sheltered or open. No less than four or five times per month he talks about that specifically — he had a dream about it, he keeps having daydreams about it, he thinks it would be hot if I found a girlfriend to mess around with, without him even being present and then just telling him about it.

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