Pornhub adopted

Pornhub adopted

The bill does not infringe on free speech at all," said David Walls, the executive director of the Family Foundation in Kentucky, a Christian advocacy group. It's true that in , in Ashcroft v. Other sites are also pulling out. This statute reflects community standards regarding public decency and the protection of individuals from unwanted exposure to explicit content. Pornhub has also withdrawn from other states like Texas that have enacted similar laws. Media Inquiries For media inquiries, contact Chris Bullivant chris ifstudies. Contact Interested in learning more about the work of the Institute for Family Studies? But pornography companies have fought back. Rebecca Grapevine Louisville Courier Journal. Gex Willams, R-Verona, added the proposal to a different bill via a last-minute floor amendment. Thankfully, these bold eight are not alone. Convictions under this statute can lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

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