Pornhub age restriction

Pornhub age restriction

Florida Gov. A server closer to you will give you faster speeds. Aylo owns and operates Pornhub, a global adult entertainment platform where more than million users worldwide engage with diverse types of adult content in a safe and moderated environment. Pornhub says that content creators are also missing out on big-time money from the second-biggest state in the country. Unfortunately, the legislation that has been introduced around the country not only raises severe concerns regarding user privacy and free speech, but it also makes the internet more dangerous for adults and children. Premium Subscription. Top stories. Cons: Difficult mobile map UI. It also has a built-in ad blocker, which is important for watching porn. To protect minors and user privacy, any legislation must be enforced against all platforms offering adult content. By Pornhub May 16, 7 minutes. Toni Hasenbeck, said the law was necessary in the state "because it is commonplace in our society for a child to be alone with their digital device in their bedroom.

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