Pornhub age verification texas

Pornhub age verification texas

Since Pornhub pulled out, Texans have greatly increased Google searches for tools to mask the geographic location of their devices. What to know before George Strait concert. As a result, residents of Texas and six other states are blocked from visiting such popular sites as Pornhub, Redtube, and YouPorn. Louisiana was the first state to enact a law requiring web porn platforms to verify visitor ages. Victim in critical condition after shooting in Navasota. According to Newsweek , the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association that fights for protection and the rights of the adult industry, said they will continue to fight the current bill. High School. This option would obviously be more of a burden on adult user privacy, and therefore is more objectionable. By Daniel Payne. Email This Link. Our mission is the truth. Father convicted of abusing twin daughters sentenced to life in prison.

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