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Duration Duration reset All. The prolific character actor and onetime Sopranos star reflects on his three-decade run—and return from the dead—in the Bad Boys franchise. Omar Apollo hilariously shut down a hater who was shaming his femme side. Here are the 15 gayest travel destinations in the world: report March 26 AM. One could, I suppose, imagine a happy scenario in which Luca and Love, Victor serve as worthy waypoints in the growth of a young, queer viewer, in which conscientious, compassionate parents or guardians have a discussion post- Luca —and then, eventually, the kid arrives at Love, Victor on their own. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. By Hillary Busis. A veteran came out as gay in his obituary. Read more. Now, he shares how the moment has changed his life May 24 PM. Finally, Disney might actually venture into queer storytelling, a vast landscape of human experience that the studio has only meekly and smugly gestured toward in recent years. Meet the 8 queer Filipino cuties looking for love in 'Sparks Camp' season 2.

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