Pornhub ban in utah

Pornhub ban in utah

Add Topic. Some, including Pornhub, have blocked their pages in Utah, while others have experimented with third-party age verification services, including companies such as Yoti, which uses webcams to scan faces and estimate ages based on their features. Weiler also sponsored a nonbinding resolution in , which former Gov. The first state to require age verification to access pornographic websites was Louisiana, with the legislation taking effect in January That law is causing real change in the online porn industry, something that seemed impossible just a few years ago. Share Share. The Utah law attempts to require ID verification on each visit to a social media or porn site, drawing the ire of pornography giant, Pornhub. Adult entertainment website Pornhub blocked access to its content from Texas on Thursday in response to a new law requiring age verification to access pornographic material in the state. Saying the current law would direct people to sites with fewer safeguards, DeVille urged residents to contact their representatives. Reacting to last week's court ruling, he said: "Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content. He said Utah — either its executive branch or Legislature — would likely expand its digital identification programs in the future to make it easier for websites to comply with age verification requirements for both adult websites and social media platforms. Saige Miller.

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