Pornhub banned in montana

Pornhub banned in montana

I think they've been watching how things have been going with abortion in red states, and figure it's only a matter of time before a state bans porn outright and subpoenas all their records to go after viewers. Only if people have secret kinks. Modified Your Vehicle Height? The sponsor of the device filter bill, Sen. Sign up for the Headlines Newsletter and receive up to date information. In a statement provided to local network KTVQ, Pornhub said the decision to block access from Montana was made specifically in response to the ID requirement. Kirsten Korosec…. Uncivil Servant said:. Like this: Like Loading Email Required Name Required Website. District Judge David Ezra struck down Texas House Bill , a law signed by the state's Governor Greg Abbott in June requiring age verification to view adult websites, after the legislation was challenged by the Free Speech Coalition. HB contains several paragraphs of legislative intent language in which it cites several U.

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