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His family had initially dreamt that he would enter the Japanese Imperial Navy, but after an accident left him with ruptured eardrums, Hayakawa failed the Navy physical. Even prior to the Production Code that outright banned the representation of interracial couples and interracial sex, Hayakawa could not rely on any explicit physicality to sell his masculine magnetism. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Two series from The Advocate Channel launch on Hulu. We lead each other out of cultural oppression into light. Lynn Conway, pioneering transgender computer scientist and activist, dies at 86 6h. Reactions: keithdp , Justin Brookes , Discopanic and 4 others. Reactions: jiminisoppa01 , Esprittheodore , milkjug and 42 others. Pride month is here and mpox remains a threat, but vaccines are more readily available June 11 AM. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Related Stories. The rest -- Teen Wolf, American Horror Story, and others -- never came close to fuck scenes on HBO's Looking, which was canceled after two seasons and explicitly catered to gay audiences.

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