Pornhub bi family

Pornhub bi family

But pornography companies have fought back. The bill does not infringe on free speech at all," said David Walls, the executive director of the Family Foundation in Kentucky, a Christian advocacy group. Aylo, Pornhub's parent company, said in a statement to The Courier Journal that it supports age verification but that should take place on individual devices rather than via across-the-board regulations. Reach Rebecca Grapevine at rgrapevine courier-journal. Well, have fun exploring everyone. Make sure to pack your Geiger counter and plenty of bullets. Join The Conversation. Pornhub has also withdrawn from other states like Texas that have enacted similar laws. Commonwealth users were greeted with a message telling them "You will lose access to Pornhub in 26 days" when they attempted to access the site Thursday. Add that to the DLC list. The wife was a lawyer, implied to have worked for the U. The Mary Sue is supported by our audience.

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