Pornhub blocked in florida

Pornhub blocked in florida

Could Floridians be next? It turned in the best speed ever recorded in our speed test lab:. Website Surfshark. The move comes as more states are passing age verification laws aimed at shielding kids from seeing online content meant for adults. This is in addition to the seven states it has already cut off from its site over the past year, which include Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina and Mississippi. Cam, adult sites can not only comply with new regulations but also ensure a safer online environment for all. A dedicated porn addict could download a VPN and log onto the porn site via an IP address from a different region. Website NordVPN. Yet, another provision demanding age verification on explicit websites to protect children drew less public focus. Whether Pornhub really cares about user privacy is a hanging question; last year the platform was accused of breaking the GDPR —the landmark European privacy law—by illegally harvesting user data. No worries. Lawmakers promoted the age verification measure as a way to protect children from explicit content, and it received broad bipartisan support.

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