Pornhub blocked in texas

Pornhub blocked in texas

Tech Expand the sub menu. Constitution's First Amendment. We've been here before—with age-check laws, attempts to get around them, and porn platforms cutting off access. Username Required. Since Pornhub pulled out, Texans have greatly increased Google searches for tools to mask the geographic location of their devices. But the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals then gave the state a green light to start enforcing it—hence Paxton's lawsuit. Get a daily brief of the most important stories and trends every weekday morning when you subscribe to Reason Roundup. Email Us Now. Pornhub has begun blocking visitors from Texas , where the authorities are attempting to enforce a new law requiring web porn platforms to check viewer ages. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. A federal court has called the new Texas law unconstitutional. Paxton has accused the company of failing to follow the state's age verification law, which requires adult-content websites to make sure viewers are at least 18 years old.

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