Pornhub blocks utah

Pornhub blocks utah

Free users might also face lower speeds, meaning you might not be able to watch porn in HD. The website joins others controlled by its parent company, MindGeek, in an ongoing response to efforts in conservative states to block pornography from people younger than As part of the law, pornographic companies must verify the age of users using a "digitised verification card", which officials say will help prevent young people from accessing sexually explicit content. TikTok sues U. Illustration by Syd Walker. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk," the site's message read. These laws also pose a danger to the tens of millions of US residents without a form of government-issued identification—often lower-income people who are already marginalized, and could be further endangered by being kicked off the internet. Because Utah has no such technology, Axios reported , Pornhub said it had no choice but to make "the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website" in Utah. Many of our members are concerned about the way SB was rushed through, with little attention to the technology or how it would be executed. By: Ben Winslow. May 1, , PM Updated: May 4, , am. Read preview.

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