Pornhub bought vine

Pornhub bought vine

DC Correspondent. Amazon's next Echo said to come with a screen Watch Next. Family Notices Book Notice. Facebook drone accident under investigation Pornhub wants to convert Twitter-owned Vine into porn site. CNET points out that this very well could be a particularly cruel jab at Twitter, since Pornhub wrote a letter highlighting the company's recent financial hardships and shared it with a news organization, which isn't typically how most deals are made. Vine might be saved by Pornhub? Airbnb wants to be your travel agent In a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Pornhub VP Corey Price offered to take Vine off Twitter's hands and into the right hands of millions all over the globe: "We figure since Twitter has dropped Vine and is having significant layoffs, that you and your stakeholders could benefit from a cash infusion from the sale of Vine. All rights reserved. Twitter became aware of the problem quickly, and tried to weed out inappropriate videos by restricting a number of hashtags, including porn, sex, boobs, and booty.

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