Pornhub censoring

Pornhub censoring

The North Korean network is monitored heavily. Internet filtering remains both inconsistent and intermittent. Retrieved 31 October Retrieved 9 May In practice the main limitation on individual and media exercise of these rights is self-censorship due to real fear of reprisals by the government, political parties, ethnic and sectarian forces, terrorist and extremist groups, or criminal gangs. Click here to manage all Newsletters. Pornhub and other sites previously protested a law the Utah State Legislature passed in requiring adult websites to have a warning label with an opt-in message , arguing it was unconstitutional. You are no longer onsite at your organization. Retrieved 10 July Financial Times. In February the law passed in its first of three votes required, [] however, it was rejected by the government's legislation committee on 12 July The bill allowed for third-party or other systems to do as such.

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