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We spent the majority of the time teaching at a YWAM base we lived with the kids. Without all the detail, I did receive the invitation I asked for a few months later. We know His commissioning over us is to bind up the brokenhearted and to set the captives free: We have executed one outreach so far. My Father is a God of relationship and He desires intimacy with each one of us. She showed me the monitor and explained the graph showing the huge contractions I was having. There are many awfully real storylines taking place right now in Iraq, but amongst the travesty God is working. Women that have had entire families killed and taken from them. Brendan moved back home! If you believe in the one person Jesus Christ who was able to change the world then the view you have on your life will begin to have infinite worth. We also decided to put our personal home up for sale in December. June- In June we were able to sell our 3 rd spec home , and immediately started our last spec house on our land in Ponoka It was 2 p.

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