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Archived from the original on April 12, Updated: Jun. The New Hanover County School Board has filed a lawsuit against several of its insurance carriers in a dispute over how much coverage the companies will provide to the board in the case involving former teacher Michael Kelly. The law firm handling an independent civil investigation into the Michael Kelly sex abuse case has announced an investigation into allegations of sex crimes by Roland Grise Middle School band teacher Peter Frank. After a week of turmoil within the New Hanover County School district following the arrest of band instructor Peter Frank, the district hosted a support night for parents of Roland Grise Middle and Hoggard High schools. No video available K Gangbang. Category Erotica and pornography portal Human sexuality portal. New Hanover Board of Education sues insurance companies over coverage in Kelly case. No video available K Chubby. Updated: Apr. New push to fingerprint teacher candidates in NC. Feminist Religious Sex-positive feminist.

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