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We are eager to be part of this solution and are happy to collaborate with government, civil society and tech partners to arrive at an effective device-based age verification solution. Lawsuit likely after lawmakers approve internet age-verification mandate. Hundreds of millions of people were impacted by major leaks exposing PII shared with popular adult sites like Adult Friend Finder and Brazzers in , while likely tens of thousands of users were targeted on eight poorly secured adult sites in Dustin on July 5, at pm. People are also reading…. All things Heimdal. Data security. But you can still become a target for cybercriminal groups and hackers while visiting Pornhub and other adult-themed websites especially less popular ones, with less developed security policies. Read full article. Contents move to sidebar hide. Instead, they have migrated to less regulated parts of the internet where age verification isn't required, safety measures are lacking, and content isn't moderated. A company spokesman who declined to give his name said such laws require adult websites to collect information about users in ways that put personally identifying information at risk.

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