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Asa Akira born January 3, is an American pornographic film actress , writer and adult film director. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Akira identifies as a feminist. January 26, NightMoves Award. In , she made her directorial debut with Elegant Angel 's Gangbanged 6. Categories : births 21st-century American actresses American dominatrices American female adult models American female erotic dancers American erotic dancers American feminists 21st-century American memoirists American women podcasters American podcasters American pornographic film actresses American pornographic film directors Living people Women pornographic film directors American women memoirists American pornographic film actors of Japanese descent American film directors of Japanese descent American models of Japanese descent American writers of Japanese descent Barstool Sports people Pornographic film actors from New York state Models from New York City American actresses of Japanese descent. Akira later noted that, ironically, this was her first casting couch scene. Retrieved January 13, The episode featured a recurring joke of people asking Peter "who was the girl on the couch" and Peter giving a deadpan reply that he is certain each inquirer already knows who she is. Authority control databases. Urban X Awards.

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