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When it came to bartending, waiting tables, or office temp work, I had seen it done on television, but had no personal experience. Be Nice. So when an old girlfriend of mine, who was living in New York, said that I should come up and audition for the Summer Stock season, that was my opportunity. I know that there are a lot of people that have clicked on this. Would I do it again? I learned how to make friends. Katrina washed away more than material possessions; she washed away my childhood photo albums, souvenirs, and youth landmarks, which still meant something to me. Practically unheard of. I learned what it was like to go underground. The story was newsworthy, not for the printer — no one knew what a Dot Matrix printer was — but that no one knew we had a computer lab. Happy Coming Out Week from me to you. Explaining to her that I was bisexual, I thought she of all people would have been understanding.

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