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Chiyo then heals Sakura's wound. When Gaara sees Sakura's determination to defend Sasuke, he knocks her unconscious and binds her to a tree. Sakura and Ino make their own soldier pills ; Sakura puts pudding, Ino's favourite dessert, into hers so that Ino will have no choice but to approve of her recipe. Spicevids videos. This is an adult website This website contains age-restricted materials including nudity and explicit depictions of sexual activity. Two Zetsu eventually bypass bodyguards assigned to Sakura, though she is saved by the arrival of Naruto, whose Nine-Tails Chakra Mode allows him to find and eliminate all the Zetsu. Sakura is present when Naruto is informed that Jiraiya died while investigating the leader of Akatsuki, Pain. Naruto immediately dislikes Sai, declaring him an inferior version of Sasuke. Production professional Suggest. Before leaving, Sasuke used his Sharingan to erase Sakura's memories, along with everyone else of the past, of the recent events to protect the timeline. She is stabbed with a Truth-Seeking Ball and is saved by Naruto who grabs her and Sasuke who cuts the rod Madara stabbed her with. When Sarada's class began preparing for the Genin Exams , Sakura joined her daughter to discuss her progress and future goals with Shino.

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