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Have patience. DNS Security - Network. Roleplay Tommy e Annika. You're reliant on the antivirus of the system seeing and blocking any type of infection that may be on the USB disk You may be able try resetting the HOSTS file back to default to try and stop blocking access to security websites. This site uses cookies - We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Apr 12, AM in response to Pizzaman Our parental controls page explains how you can easily block access to this site. TXT to your next reply. Wheeler said all those invisible sessions can cause sluggish web browsing and slow down your computer overall, and jam up your internet bandwidth. Is this a scam or should I be concerned? Great, looks good GlennM2 Let's go ahead and get a couple of 3rd party AV scans done to ensure we haven't missed something. An antivirus like Norton will comb through every file on your system and safely remove every threat it finds.

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