Pornhub documentary

Pornhub documentary

But fundamentally, it is a Montreal company. Maybe I fell asleep, but I don't remember any mention of amateur content where people make their own videos and upload them primarily for fun and excitement rather than to be professional porn stars. Which is not to say, as the film points out, that Pornhub is clear of responsibility for nonconsensual and exploitative material on its website; an anonymous former MindGeek employee recounts how moderators were instructed to peruse videos as fast as possible, with quotas of about videos a day, necessitating the barest of skims. Runtime 1 hour 34 minutes. But the big Kahuna, the one that started it all—one of the reasons that all of that is here—is because MindGeek got here first. Ex-Aylo employee Noelle Perdue worked as an archivist and fact-checker , as well as being interviewed. There are a number of other issues explored in the trailer, like the fact that Pornhub functions in the same way that many social media websites do. The focus on anti-sex-trafficking organizations' political aims was generally seen as a strength, but some reviews criticized the interviews as lacking depth and a viewpoint. Netflix stated that in its first week, Money Shot was streamed for 13 million hours; it was the fourth-most-watched film on the platform. Pinter sits in a suit in a corporate office, and they film her from a front angle. It shows how the lawyer who wants to derail MindGeek absurdly compares it to The Sopranos. Sign In Sign In.

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