Pornhub indiana

Pornhub indiana

On X, Rokita called the law "common sense. Gex Williams from Verona said he was aware that some sites chose to exit the state rather than comply with the requirements. She has also reported on local, national and international news for the Chicago Tribune, Voice of America and more. Similar legislation has passed in a dozen other states since , including Indiana, Florida and Idaho just this year, according to the The Free Speech Coalition, the trade association for the adult industry. PornHub and the other plaintiffs filed suit on Monday, alleging that the law is unconstitutional — violating the First Amendment — and unenforceable. When the bill was sent to Gov. Pornhub says it believes the age verification requirements put in place by the state legislature constitute a violation of privacy. For example, they argue there are more effective options out there to address the same end without introducing a barrier to adults' access, such as content filtering at the browser or device level. See stories by Sylvia Goodman. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email. About LPM. That shifts the onus on operating systems to deny users access to age-restricted websites.

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