Pornhub investigation

Pornhub investigation

But as she shut her laptop and crawled back into bed, she made a decision: No more. More and more often we are seeing the mainstream media push a narrative that describes At the time, the video had 4 million views and featured a teen girl with her hands and feet shackled down, gagged and abused with various objects, including being electrocuted and her body being burned with wax. Is Porn Harmful? Search nationalpost. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof described recordings on Pornhub's website of assaults of unconscious women and girls, including a naked video of a year-old girl. Please try again. They are willing to work with companies that uphold their very reasonable requirements. This article is more than 2 years old. You've reached the 20 article limit. Therrien warned that the legislation, which states that privacy and commercial considerations must be balanced, could effectively favour the latter in a way that the current, two-decade-old Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act does not. Canadian actor Donald Sutherland passes away at age

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