Pornhub is banned in texas

Pornhub is banned in texas

Pornhub makes a good point, and one that prohibitionists of all sorts are wont to ignore. Gaming Forum. And let's be real: if the government is operating a database of everybody who looks at smut, what happens if it leaks or gets hacked? Meet the Team. The Queensland Firebirds are on the lookout for a new coach after Bec Bulley was sacked just two years into her four-year deal. Finaj Member. Christian Britschgi 6. Conviction can lead to a Class C misdemeanor charge, underscoring the importance of respecting public norms. It's already blocked in NC? Oct 25, 7, Rita Repulsa's Moon Palace. Texas House Bill , requiring age verification for access to online pornography, came into effect in September , but was initially blocked by an injunction. Unsurprisingly, politicians don't seem interested.

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