Pornhub is blocked in texas

Pornhub is blocked in texas

Languages: English. Only the Texas legislature can reverse it now. Owned by the adult entertainment conglomerate Aylo, Pornhub stands as the second-most visited website in its category, trailing only behind XVideos. Three years ago, year-old Lydia Jacoby won gold in Tokyo. That organization has argued tools like content-blockers and use by parents are more effective for protecting children. This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. The first state to require age verification to access pornographic websites was Louisiana, with the legislation taking effect in January Read their full bio. Last March, Utah became the second state to enact such a law, and the first to find residents blocked by Pornhub. Latest Stories Politics U. IE 11 is not supported. VPN stands for virtual private network, a tool used to mask the geographic location of internet users.

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