Pornhub kentucky

Pornhub kentucky

Learn More. See stories by Sylvia Goodman. But supporters of the bill say it does not infringe on First Amendment rights and will protect children. Andy Beshear then signed the bill into law. Louisville Metro Council approves budget with some adjustments. With age verification laws looming, visitors to Pornhub and all sites under the Aylo umbrella now see a popup stating how many days are left before the site blocks itself from access in their states. See what it looks like where you live. Earlier this year, Kentucky lawmakers passed a bill — following in the footsteps of several other red states — that requires pornography websites to verify that Kentucky users are more than 18 years old. Open in Our App. House Bill pertains to sex crimes against children. People visiting Pornhub in Kentucky and Louisiana now face a countdown to the days they have left before the site blocks itself from their states, as a result of age verification legislation. Andy Beshear, D-Ky.

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