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I hope this film gets a large audience as marital abuse in its many forms is far too common a problem and needs to be brought to the forefront of discussion. She moved across to her husband and started unzipping his trousers Linda Lovelace and Chuck Traynor. Cinnyaste 11 August But this backtracking shines as a prime example of too little too late, as many will have lost interest in the story itself by this point. Chuck Traynor. The real Lovelace gave off a blow-job-queen-next-door aura that was later belied — shockingly — by her stories of abuse at the hands of her spouse-agent-pimp. Some features may not be available with your selection. I literally became a prisoner, I was not allowed out of his sight, not even to use the bathroom, where he watched me through a hole in the door. They beat Davis until he almost passed out. Arguably, a great biopic embraces the complexities of a person's life while using storytelling to organize such intricacies. While Seyfried donned a shaggy brunette hairstyle and freckles to deglamorize herself, she still looked a lot prettier than Lovelace on her best day. Filthy Amateur videos.

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