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The FBI has been warning about this for years You can't get more theocratic while being inside the US. Take all this with a grain of salt. Japan's ex-PM got blown away by a wacko with a homemade shotgun, so I guess gun control laws just don't work. In a theocracy, the ruling officials would be one and the same as the top church leadership. FYI: delta-9 THC is legal in Texas when derived from hemp, so actual weed is sold alongside the legal stuff in many cities. Matt Keezer right is one of the founders. None share any details of their private lives online. Originally, it was plain old-fashioned colonialism, having to pay tribute to an overseas king that wasn't doing anything for you to fund wars between France and England that didn't involve you. Idk man - we've got all kinds of crazy ass ideas from back in the past. Why aren't parents doing basic things like setting up content filters? Think of it as a complex representative government that is federated and representing a highly diverse population, unlike Iran, which is not exactly pro-immigration.

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