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When interviewed by police, he said he knew the age of consent in Nebraska was 16, his conduct was illegal, but he said he didn't care. All Streams. Read Today's E-edition. The driver, Thomas Hernandez, 33, of Fullerton, California, was arrested for flight to avoid arrest, willful reckless driving, and theft by unlawful taking. The justices ruled in favor of a ban on firearms for people under restraining orders to stay away from their spouses or partners. Ninth St. Wednesday, a trooper observed a Jeep speeding at over miles per hour on Interstate 80 near Grand Island, at mile marker Content by Ballard's Resort. Tags : crash , darrius davis , east 27th street , Gering , highway 26 , Investigation , Nebraska Crash , ongoing investigation , scottsbluff , western nebraska news. Critical reasons to stay up to date on tetanus shots. Matt Knudsen. Quotes Bassist : Alright, sir?

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