Pornhub nc ban

Pornhub nc ban

Pornhub Disables Access for North Carolinians Pornhub, the most popular porn site in the world, cut off access for North Carolina users on Thursday in protest of a new state law that will take effect on Jan. Search Query Show Search. By Freeman Stoddard. Travis Fain: So it says that you have to verify the age of users. More from Tech. Continue with free. Until a real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in North Carolina. Special Coverage. I think what they're looking to do is this is obviously a national push, so they're picking their spots where it makes sense to sue, where it doesn't make sense to sue. A new North Carolina state law took effect on Jan. De la Canal: And North Carolina is not the only state to have passed a version of this law and received pushback. Try Premium risk-free.

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