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Report a Road Problem. Glory holes and straight guys are enjoying record popularity. Major pornography site blocks users in NC in response to new law. Election Results. They require firms to take steps to tackle child abuse including: complying with laws and regulations using AI tools to check the age of those appearing in uploaded content before it is published ensuring that all individuals appearing in content have consented to do so checking content against digital fingerprints of previously identified child abuse imagery verifying that those publishing or appearing in material on the platform are over 18 years-old Compliance will be assessed by an independent auditor. It hopes the announcement will lead other porn websites to support the voluntary standards developed in partnership with Aylo over a period of 18 months. Gloria Satterfield Case. Reacting to last week's court ruling, he said: "Texas has a right to protect its children from the detrimental effects of pornographic content. All Streams. Circle Country. But the standards also say they must obey the law and the UK Online Safety Act will soon require much more robust age checks than ticking a box, such as AI face-scanning tech that estimates age. Weather Weather.

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