Pornhub not available in texas

Pornhub not available in texas

You can use it with Linux and select routers but this has to be set up manually. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Try NordVPN risk-free with its day money-back guarantee. Now, when users attempt to visit the adult entertainment website, they instead encounter a detailed message explaining why the website is no longer accessible. Pornhub is banned in Texas because the state has implemented a new age verification law that requires adult content sites to verify the age of every user. Having taken effect last year, the law was challenged in federal court by an adult industry trade association before the 5th U. It has servers in the United States, reliable security and fast streaming speeds. Search Search. Texas is the latest US state to try to regulate pornography. That way, users would only get verified once, through their operating system, not on each age-restricted site. The network also operates Porn MD, a video search engine that aggregates content from across the network. Pornhub is unavailable in eight states Texas, Utah , Louisiana , Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina and Virginia with new age verification laws that the company refuses to comply with.

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