Pornhub searcg

Pornhub searcg

I mean if you want to just see panties, you can always get a Frederick's of Hollywood magazine or something. The Pornhub press release also delved into the specifics of American's viewing habits, noting some unusual state-by-state differences. Published Dec. I'm honestly not sure what I expected to see at the top of the minds of Texans as far as x-rated entertainment, but panties were not one of them. Also, it may be a bit surprising that Arkansas' top search was not "brother" or "sister". Email required. Contact The Author Name required. After breaking down each state, the usual suspects appeared on the list including searches for threesomes, big booty, shower scenes, lesbian, as well as several different fetishes. Chaz Published: December 15, I wonder why Texans have a hankering for panties. Naturally, the United States topped the list of the most traffic because here in the states we are a bunch of perverts. Thanks for contacting us.

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