Pornhub shutdown in texas

Pornhub shutdown in texas

Pornhub's parent company could be subject to millions of dollars in civil penalties if it failed to abide by the law. Many of them require the companies to obtain an identification card from users who want to access adult sexual content. According to Indiana law , harmful materials for minors can include representations of nudity, sexual conduct and sadomasochistic abuse. But pornography trade group Free Speech Coalition sued, arguing the statute violates free speech protections. The Fourth of July is the perfect time to gather with friends and family for a barbecue or picnic. Chrome Safari Continue. Jenkins is a digital content producer for CBS Texas. Sign In Create your free profile. Texas is the latest in a string of states — including Montana, North Carolina, Louisiana, Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi and Virginia — where Aylo has restricted access to its porn sites in response to age-verification laws. Pornhub announced they will be disabling access to their website for Texans after House Bill required explicit content websites to have age-verification measures in place to ban minors. Texas law says it's too late for pastor Morris' alleged victim to file a civil claim. Featured Local Savings.

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