Pornhub sleep

Pornhub sleep

MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith Lib-Beaches-East York The reports of videos depicting rape, human trafficking, torture, and other non-consensual content on Pornhub have grown in number over the last year. Formatters sometimes suggested blocking the I. Then she had an idea. Stabbed and bleeding Rachel stopped sleeping, and spent her days and nights searching for the videos and filling out dozens of removal-request forms. At the hearings, Serena Fleites, a young woman from California, testified that, in seventh grade, a boy she liked had badgered her into sending him a video of herself undressing. No one had verified who she was, her age, or what her video contained. They could just upload them again the next day. But then a man appeared from the shadows. She was 14 when a private video sent to a boyfriend was posted on Pornhub. Other evidence suggests Pornhub has routinely ignored requests to take down content or has simply put videos up again, shortly after taking them down. The responses usually took several days, she said, and the company repeatedly asked her for proof of her claims.

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