Pornhub star wars

Pornhub star wars

According to the release from the world's biggest porn site , Star Wars- related searches skyrocket by a whopping 10, percent on the day. Adult Sex Games. The th running of the Belmont Stakes is headed to Saratoga. Also unsurprising is that users in the to age demographic are 77 percent more likely to search for Star Wars content. Strip Games. Wet Pussy Games. Horny Sex Games 5. Searches for Star Wars on Pornhub on May 4, surged above the days surrounding it. Topping the Star Wars-related search list is Princess Leia, who famously donned a gold bikini as a captive of Jabba the Hutt for the first third of 's Return of the Jedi. Several search terms in particular had a meteoric spike, with 'Lightsaber' increasing by percent, and ' Star Wars Sex' increasing by percent. This is also why the unfortunately phrased "Princess Leia Slave" is in the top Strip Selector

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