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I once got a link in 10 seconds after having spent almost an hour searching on my own. Tony Anderson, who runs the adult content review site Pleasure Seeker , uses search optimization tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush , which identify the search volume for different keywords and provide additional data on keyword competition, to analyze porn trends. One of the thousands of reasons why I will never again be silent about this part of my story: the fact that almost…. Six months passed without a response, and the videos remained up. You have a cool homie that you share foot porn with sometimes. In fairness, not everyone is convinced that these local searches are the result of revenge-porn paranoia. Others, though, think the only thing that will really solve the problem is for Pornhub to remove its download button, which currently makes it virtually impossible for victims to fully scrub the internet of their violated bodies, while rewarding content thieves. Quinn Myers is a staff writer at MEL. When another redditor asked how many share from LinkedIn specifically, Hall responded with a screenshot:. More Stories from MEL. Obviously, such a monopoly over the entire porn industry only makes matters worse, since, essentially, MindGeek is policing itself. Next, he points to what Pornhub has cited as the most progressive anti-revenge-porn policy in the industry since a portal for victims to report nonconsensual pornography and request to have it removed.

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