

I enter the URL for the site I want blocked, and select 'Always' But then that site is still accessible by all devices? Posts: 19, One time I had a standup comedy gig at this bar. Domain name routing has no equivalent in the traditional glibc API, which has no concept of domain name servers limited to a specific link. Systemd version Ubuntu I understand not everything can get blocked, but the parental controls can't even stop playboy. Upd4 : I found people are working from both directions, some are patching the systemd-resolved to support systemd-resolved when NetworkManager's dns-priority is used see man nm-settings :. Willing to accept guidance to correct my use of systemd-resolve, If you can, Please add some necessary feature to systemd-resolve to solve such problem,. Send a private message to Beer. This is the command: sudo systemd-resolve -i eno1 --set-domain lan Only after all three steps, openvpn finally stops leaking DNS. Goldman criticized the 5th Circuit for relying on Ginsburg "instead of the squarely on-point Reno v. Page 1 of 2.

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