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Also, after I landed, I became hungry for a different kind of knowledge "Masters such as Ornette Coleman had the strength of character to go way beyond early criticism and continuous rejection. In a way, it was a self serving idea to want to open the restaurant because many times I couldn't find a real cool place to hang out. My neighbor came in for salt and wanted to fuck me. Cum on pie after cycling home. There he had a spinet piano behind the stage where he had his legendary Hammond organ set up and drums, and we hung out and played throughout the night. Sign in. There were many other better and lesser-known musicians that crossed my path leaving something with me that I would treasure and that would certainly have an impact on my future development as an artist and as a human being. But still, with a change of beat, I could "visualize" Jack's and Eddie's energetic playing bursting out on that tune. JI: How did the creation of this album expand your artistic development and musical understanding? Don't have an account yet? On the other hand, it would be blind and arrogant on my part though to deny that this project with its outcome and the alchemy of gathering such great musicians has been a major catalyst in advancing my career-and I'm grateful for that. Now speaking of Wayne, I don't remember who originally told Wayne Henderson about me, but the first time we worked together I had gotten a call on his behalf to show up at a recording studio to play on a record Nomad, Electra that he was producing for Chico Hamilton.

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