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Is midnight a strict deadline or is early tomorrow morning ok? Thank you so much for allowing me to do this assignment for you. Thank you for arranging this and please find even more ways to continue using me including loaning me out to your girlfriends. And you will literally BEG her to let you do any and all hw assignments and papers she will dump on you- just to receive ANY interaction from her whatsoever. How did that feel to get unlocked just to be locked right back up again, loser?? Thank you so much Goddess Jade for giving me this assignment! VERY good job, you fucking piece of shit! And you better make it sound convincing, bitch!! Then as soon as that one is done I have to immediately get started on the next one for her bf which means another 30 hours and another week of nothing but 18 hour days. Please Goddess you can use me like a tool entirely for your benefit and ordered me around with zero guilt because you will actually be doing me a favor! Log in now. Aw…poor slave.

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