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Palo Alto tells me, describing a kind of internal class struggle among the Pinnacle elite for ever higher status. I have come up with a new dressing strategy. For my streaming limited series, a Pinnacle would have to get killed by either an outright peasant or a Suite without an ocean view. I also get reserved seating for a performance of The Wizard of Oz , an ice-skating tribute to the periodic table, and similar provocations. The more you cruise, the higher your status. They know the Washy Washy song by heart. As always, people are shocked that this is my first cruise. Two enormous cruise ships at the Perfect Day at CocoCay, a private island with many of the same amenities as the ship itself Gary Shteyngart. Washy Washy an essential member of the crew. Now the bonding and drinking began in earnest, and several more rounds appeared. As I fall asleep, I think of what the woman who recently divorced her husband and whose son became a man through the good offices of the Irish Republic told me while I was hoisting myself out of the infinity pool. My suite did not look out on Central Park after all.

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