Seasalt porn

Seasalt porn

So take that non-believers.. I made these brownies for my boyfriend and me last night. A grown up, sophisticated sensual cookie. I pretty much follow the recipe, but I usually use olive oil and honey, not coconut oil and maple syrup, because olive oil is healthier and maple syrup is very expensive where I live. Off to buy more Rice Krispies. This bread was indeed life-changing for me, but in the worst possible way. When I began eating healthier, bread was definitely on my hit list. What can I do to get lovely pockets of caramel likes yrs???? I could not stop thinking about these ever since you posted them…when I decided to brave the weather here in the northeast to drive to the market the kids were not so sure it was a good idea. Thank you for sharing this post. Then I started using sliced nuts. USe chopped al onds as my nut.

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