Senate sex tape pornhub

Senate sex tape pornhub

Have an account? US politics. The Maryland Democrat told reporters: "I was angry, disappointed. By James Factora. Senator Ben Cardin said he was "disappointed". It's unclear exactly when the incident took place or how the staffer gained access to the room. He also shared that Capitol Police are investigating, though he didn't specify which aspect of the case they are looking into. The lawmaker recently became the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after an indictment forced the previous chair — Sen. On Saturday, Cardin's office issued a statement saying that "Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the US Senate" and that they would be offering no further comment on the matter. That was quickly followed up by a graphic story from the Daily Caller, which published a brief video of two men having sex in a Senate hearing room. Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Bryan Metzger.

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